Microsoft Tarafından Blocklanan İp Adresini Sildirmek [Hotmail]


Hotmail tarafından antispam korumasına takılan sunucu ipleriniz için Microsoft delist adresine mail atarak çözüme kavuşturmanız gerekiyor.SMTp loglarınızda şu uyarıyı alıyorsanız,

D5198C38D.MAI              584      CONN                   220 Sending unsolicited commercial or bulk e-mail to Microsoft’s computer network is prohibited. Other restrictions are found at Tue, 29 Apr 2014 00:08:19 -0700

Yapmanız gereken microsoft delist adresine ilgili ip adreslerini yazıp black listten cıkarmasını talep etmek olacaktır.


Bunun için hazır email isteği veriyoruz size,



ip adresleri buraya


Thiswebsiteip addressesande-mail serviceson our serversare defined. IntheserverlogI seethe following


“220 Sending unsolicited commercial or bulk e-mail to Microsoft’s computer network is prohibited. Other restrictions are found at Tue, 29 Apr 2014 00:03:49 -0700 “

necessary checks are made on the server. necessary arrangements have been made. Please deletions would you make regarding your ip address.



Daha sonra microsoft otomatik yanıtlayıcı size mail dönücektir,


Hello ,

Thank you for your delisting request İD. Your ticket was received on (Apr 29 2014 11:02 AM UTC) and will be responded to within 24 hours.

Our team will investigate the address that you have requested to be removed from our blocklist. If for any reason we are not able to remove your address, one of our technical support representatives will respond to you with additional information.

Technical Support


Bu maili aldıysanız 24 saat içinde uygun görülürse ip adresleriniz delist olacaktır.

Microsoft Delist mail adresi :

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